Friday, September 30, 2011

"Cats have enormous patience with the limitations of the human mind. They realize...that we have an infuriating inability to understand, let alone follow, even the simplest and most explicit of directions." - Cleveland Amory

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Warm Sunny Spot

Why hello furry followers and fleshy humans. I've been fairly uninspired to blog this past week. Yesterday was a very sunny and warm day here in Minneapolis. My human left the window by my perch open for me so I was able to enjoy the sun and warm breezes. This has helped to inspire me!

As I was enjoy the simple pleasure of a warm day, watching nature and imagining how yummy those squirrels and sparrows would taste, it made me think of you humans. Almost every day I see my human and others stressed out, running around, and not even realizing how amazing the world is.

When was the last time you stopped and admired a tree? You think I'm crazy, but I'm serious. Trees are amazing, the patterns in the bark, the branches, different styles of leaves, and all the life teaming within the tree. And it's not just trees, all the life and nature around you everyday is remarkable.

Take a moment, think about the nearly infinite number of things that had to occur in the history of the universe to bring you here in this moment of time and to create all the beauty around you. As a cat, with 9 lives, I am ac cutely aware how short each one of those lives is. As humans, you do have a slight advantage in that your one life is longer than one of mine. But, for both of us, in the story of the universe, our time here is a blip. To the cosmos, we come and go without any thought or any consequence.

Regardless of your beliefs, the fact that any of us are here on the beautiful amazing planet at this point in time is a miracle. Take it from me, humans need to be more cat-like. Stop, stare at a tree, look at a squirrel (you don't have to eat it), and take time to enjoy that warm sunny spot.


P.S. Also, pet a cat! It helps reduce stress. =^-^=

Friday, September 23, 2011

How to Pet a Kitty
From the ever funny Oatmeal. I'm big on the "love mauling".

Facebook? Hisssss.....

So I was lounging around in the sun yesterday, pretty much the same as everyday, and I was thinking how great it is to be a cat, especially I've said before, I'm awesome. Then, I decided that I needed more ways to share how amazingly awesome I am. I've heard a lot about this Facebook thing, my human seems to be obsessed with it. 600 million users? Sure! Sign me up!

Well, I logged on to my human's account to check it out. There were so many moving things and the home page was so crowded with stuff, I wasted 3 hours trying to catch all the popups, scrolling, chat windows, top stories, friend requests, etc. Other than managing to gnaw on the corners of the laptop, and putting a few scratches in the screen, I accomplished nothing.  That thing is just way too much, stimulation overload! I'll be the first to admit that I get distasrags  aruu8awt4 adfj awf cb jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkpokpo.    Oh, sorry, a fly went by and I had to catch it. Anyways, I get distracted easy. Normally this is very entertaining and enjoyable, but when I'm trying to promote myself and share my excellence, I need to focus. Also, how is anyone else supposed to find the valuable wisdom that I post? It's crazy!

So my verdict is Facebook...NO WAY! I'll stick with my blog, where it's all about me, and to Twitter where it's all about me in like 140 characters. Scratch you later my faithful followers!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What makes me purrr?

Contemplating my next post.
It's time for a little more about me before I really get into blogging. As a cat, there really is no middle ground, I'm pretty black and white, which really works well for me, cause us cats are pretty much color blind. I'll be blogging about my life, issues important to me and my human, and probably lots of other random things!

My views may be controversial to some and funny to others. What will I blog about? Who knows, cats are notoriously fickle. But, I have a feeling, overtime I'll find a good blogging groove.

So allow me to come and curl up on your lap so you can scratch my ears as I embark on my blogging journey!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat. - Mark Twain

I'm Fame, I'm a cat, and I'm awesome.

I'm pretty much amazing.
As you all know, cats are pretty much the superior form of life on this planet. Seriously, think about it. You humans take us into your homes, feed us, provide us everything we could possibly want, and what do you get in return? Not much. We give you attention, only when we want to, and most of the time act as if you're basically just in our way. When we do something you don't like, what can you do about it? Nothing! Have you tried yelling at or punishing a cat lately? We look at you, and walk away.

Well fleshy humans, I've decided that I'm going to give something back. On this blog, I will share my infinite wisdom of Life, The Universe, and Everything with you. (Douglas Adams was actually a cat reincarnated into human form and shared some valuable insight into reality.)

I'll leave it at this introduction for now, I think my human will be home soon. Make sure and follow me, or I'll shred your couch.